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# Word Frequency Score Words Containing Words Sharing Words In Unique Letter Count Ranking (Len)
1891 bevel 3,062 belv beelv belv 4 12,610
1892 amiss 3,060 aims aimss aims 4 12,615
1893 slash 3,058 ahls ahlss ahls 4 12,628
1894 dross 3,058 dors dorss dors 4 12,627
1895 truss 3,056 rstu rsstu rstu 4 12,639
1896 awash 3,053 ahsw aahsw ahsw 4 12,645
1897 dryer 3,049 dery derry dery 4 12,656
1898 armor 3,045 amor amorr amor 4 12,673
1899 snoop 3,041 nops noops nops 4 12,685
1900 spoon 3,041 nops noops nops 4 12,686
1901 fella 3,040 aefl aefll aefl 4 12,687
1902 dodge 3,037 dego ddego dego 4 12,696
1903 cello 3,037 celo cello celo 4 12,694
1904 offer 3,032 efor effor efor 4 12,714
1905 limit 3,031 ilmt iilmt ilmt 4 12,716