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# Word Frequency Score Words Containing Words Sharing Words In Unique Letter Count Ranking (Len)
1921 canal 2,988 acln aacln acln 4 12,850
1922 penny 2,985 enpy ennpy enpy 4 12,855
1923 paper 2,980 aepr aeppr aepr 4 12,872
1924 gorge 2,978 egor eggor egor 4 12,877
1925 friar 2,977 afir afirr afir 4 12,885
1926 aloof 2,976 aflo afloo aflo 4 12,886
1927 witty 2,971 itwy ittwy itwy 4 12,898
1928 drool 2,968 dlor dloor dlor 4 12,911
1929 recur 2,965 ceru cerru ceru 4 12,922
1930 label 2,959 abel abell abel 4 12,950
1931 bezel 2,958 belz beelz belz 4 12,954
1932 udder 2,956 deru dderu deru 4 12,956
1933 guess 2,949 egsu egssu egsu 4 12,970
1934 basis 2,948 abis abiss abis 4 12,981
1935 iliac 2,943 acil aciil acil 4 12,993