10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
1 hortensial 7,338 aehilnorst 10 1
2 antechoirs 7,211 acehinorst 10 4
3 orchestian 7,211 acehinorst 10 2
4 anchorites 7,211 acehinorst 10 3
5 hailstoned 7,168 adehilnost 10 5
6 threnodial 7,142 adehilnort 10 6
7 opisthenar 7,122 aehinoprst 10 7
8 spheration 7,122 aehinoprst 10 8
9 resudation 7,068 adeinorstu 10 9
10 draconites 7,051 acdeinorst 10 10
11 narcotised 7,051 acdeinorst 10 11
12 mosandrite 7,041 adeimnorst 10 12
13 tarsonemid 7,041 adeimnorst 10 14
14 tarmosined 7,041 adeimnorst 10 13
15 nasethmoid 7,031 adehimnost 10 15
16 achondrite 7,015 acdehinort 10 18
17 ditrochean 7,015 acdehinort 10 17
18 ordanchite 7,015 acdehinort 10 16
19 fintadores 7,010 adefinorst 10 19
20 disenthral 7,002 adehilnrst 10 20