10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
20501 basketware 6,595 abekrstw 8 20,507
20502 snakeflies 6,595 aefiklns 8 20,503
20503 chilinidae 6,595 acdehiln 8 20,505
20504 mortadella 6,595 adelmort 8 20,499
20505 epicoeloma 6,595 aceilmop 8 20,508
20506 overbelief 6,595 befilorv 8 20,501
20507 antiphonal 6,595 ahilnopt 8 20,506
20508 unabetting 6,595 abegintu 8 20,502
20509 airiferous 6,594 aefiorsu 8 20,513
20510 oversoaked 6,594 adekorsv 8 20,512
20511 gnarliness 6,594 aegilnrs 8 20,509
20512 construers 6,594 cenorstu 8 20,515
20513 inaccurate 6,594 aceinrtu 8 20,514
20514 overarched 6,594 acdehorv 8 20,511
20515 subendorse 6,594 bdenorsu 8 20,510
20516 outfielded 6,593 defilotu 8 20,519
20517 bijouterie 6,593 beijortu 8 20,521
20518 depainting 6,593 adeginpt 8 20,517
20519 cyaphenine 6,593 acehinpy 8 20,516
20520 palisadoes 6,593 adeilops 8 20,520