10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
9961 suboceanic 5,815 abceinosu 9 9,958
9962 guardhouse 5,815 adeghorsu 9 9,961
9963 mossbanker 5,814 abekmnors 9 9,965
9964 undramatic 5,814 acdimnrtu 9 9,963
9965 perjinkety 5,814 eijknprty 9 9,964
9966 unliftable 5,813 abefilntu 9 9,967
9967 multilayer 5,813 aeilmrtuy 9 9,966
9968 untailorly 5,813 ailnortuy 9 9,968
9969 husbandage 5,813 abdeghnsu 9 9,971
9970 disjecting 5,813 cdegijnst 9 9,969
9971 handworked 5,813 adehknorw 9 9,970
9972 goldfishes 5,812 defghilos 9 9,976
9973 scomberoid 5,812 bcdeimors 9 9,975
9974 pretyphoid 5,812 dehioprty 9 9,977
9975 inspiredly 5,812 deilnprsy 9 9,972
9976 boucherize 5,812 bcehioruz 9 9,974
9977 lombrosian 5,812 abilmnors 9 9,973
9978 pseudogyne 5,811 degnopsuy 9 9,978
9979 bisulphite 5,811 behilpstu 9 9,979
9980 hyalinized 5,811 adehilnyz 9 9,982