10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
16881 subterrane 7,090 abenrstu 8 16,879
16882 notiosorex 7,089 einorstx 8 16,883
16883 extricated 7,089 acdeirtx 8 16,882
16884 tetragynia 7,088 aeginrty 8 16,891
16885 geometrize 7,088 egimortz 8 16,893
16886 overmelted 7,088 delmortv 8 16,884
16887 resorption 7,088 einoprst 8 16,887
16888 tyranniser 7,088 aeinrsty 8 16,892
16889 temporiser 7,088 eimoprst 8 16,890
16890 prisometer 7,088 eimoprst 8 16,886
16891 spirometer 7,088 eimoprst 8 16,889
16892 portioners 7,088 einoprst 8 16,885
16893 synthetize 7,088 ehinstyz 8 16,888
16894 sinoatrial 7,087 ailnorst 8 16,894
16895 arctogaean 7,087 acegnort 8 16,896
16896 solitarian 7,087 ailnorst 8 16,895
16897 hexoestrol 7,087 ehlorstx 8 16,899
16898 vindemiate 7,087 adeimntv 8 16,898
16899 timesavers 7,087 aeimrstv 8 16,897
16900 eragrostis 7,086 aegiorst 8 16,902