10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17001 rheotactic 7,069 acehiort 8 17,006
17002 meritocrat 7,069 aceimort 8 17,003
17003 encomienda 7,069 acdeimno 8 17,004
17004 theocratic 7,069 acehiort 8 17,001
17005 derivatist 7,069 adeirstv 8 17,002
17006 escamotage 7,069 acegmost 8 17,005
17007 insatiable 7,068 abeilnst 8 17,011
17008 banalities 7,068 abeilnst 8 17,012
17009 refinances 7,068 acefinrs 8 17,008
17010 pharisaean 7,068 aehinprs 8 17,007
17011 finalities 7,068 aefilnst 8 17,009
17012 westernism 7,068 eimnrstw 8 17,013
17013 forgetness 7,068 efgnorst 8 17,010
17014 piezometer 7,067 eimoprtz 8 17,015
17015 sergeantry 7,067 aegnrsty 8 17,017
17016 undershine 7,067 dehinrsu 8 17,014
17017 barkentine 7,067 abeiknrt 8 17,016
17018 horseleach 7,067 acehlors 8 17,018
17019 celandines 7,066 acdeilns 8 17,021
17020 decennials 7,066 acdeilns 8 17,022