10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17201 austrogaea 7,037 aegorstu 8 17,199
17202 telescript 7,036 ceilprst 8 17,202
17203 admittance 7,036 acdeimnt 8 17,203
17204 prowersite 7,036 eioprstw 8 17,204
17205 nonfederal 7,036 adeflnor 8 17,205
17206 relativist 7,035 aeilrstv 8 17,208
17207 pileolated 7,035 adeilopt 8 17,207
17208 nasoseptal 7,035 aelnopst 8 17,206
17209 septonasal 7,035 aelnopst 8 17,209
17210 termagants 7,035 aegmnrst 8 17,212
17211 chattelize 7,035 acehiltz 8 17,213
17212 intercalar 7,035 aceilnrt 8 17,211
17213 subentries 7,035 beinrstu 8 17,210
17214 demisphere 7,034 dehimprs 8 17,214
17215 rejuvenate 7,034 aejnrtuv 8 17,215
17216 habituates 7,034 abehistu 8 17,216
17217 evaporated 7,033 adeoprtv 8 17,217
17218 repenalize 7,033 aeilnprz 8 17,221
17219 smoothpate 7,033 aehmopst 8 17,219
17220 hemichorea 7,033 acehimor 8 17,222