10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17301 hirondelle 7,020 dehilnor 8 17,302
17302 unparented 7,020 adenprtu 8 17,308
17303 lienholder 7,020 dehilnor 8 17,304
17304 inesculent 7,020 ceilnstu 8 17,303
17305 spencerian 7,020 aceinprs 8 17,298
17306 stolidness 7,020 deilnost 8 17,299
17307 endocrania 7,020 acdeinor 8 17,300
17308 toxanaemia 7,020 aeimnotx 8 17,307
17309 dishonorer 7,020 dehinors 8 17,306
17310 angiorrhea 7,019 aeghinor 8 17,311
17311 feathercut 7,019 acefhrtu 8 17,315
17312 extendable 7,019 abdelntx 8 17,314
17313 praetorial 7,019 aeiloprt 8 17,313
17314 arsmetrike 7,019 aeikmrst 8 17,312
17315 analgesist 7,019 aegilnst 8 17,310
17316 overharden 7,018 adehnorv 8 17,318
17317 underntime 7,018 deimnrtu 8 17,320
17318 bitcheries 7,018 bcehirst 8 17,317
17319 centaurian 7,018 aceinrtu 8 17,321
17320 trunnioned 7,018 deinortu 8 17,319