10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17441 screenlike 7,000 ceiklnrs 8 17,440
17442 fortuities 7,000 efiorstu 8 17,442
17443 northering 7,000 eghinort 8 17,443
17444 shinleaves 6,999 aehilnsv 8 17,445
17445 overidness 6,999 deinorsv 8 17,444
17446 antiquates 6,999 aeinqstu 8 17,446
17447 bastinades 6,999 abdeinst 8 17,447
17448 hexacosane 6,999 acehnosx 8 17,448
17449 epistrophe 6,999 ehioprst 8 17,449
17450 refutative 6,998 aefirtuv 8 17,455
17451 recomplete 6,998 celmoprt 8 17,454
17452 precleaned 6,998 acdelnpr 8 17,453
17453 epeirogeny 6,998 eginopry 8 17,451
17454 aplotaxene 6,998 aelnoptx 8 17,452
17455 dovetailed 6,998 adeilotv 8 17,450
17456 shorefront 6,997 efhnorst 8 17,456
17457 impatience 6,997 aceimnpt 8 17,459
17458 hesperidin 6,997 dehinprs 8 17,458
17459 squattered 6,997 adeqrstu 8 17,457
17460 eichhornia 6,996 acehinor 8 17,463