10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17821 autolysate 6,939 aelostuy 8 17,819
17822 crinoidean 6,939 acdeinor 8 17,820
17823 oleraceous 6,939 acelorsu 8 17,825
17824 wertherism 6,939 ehimrstw 8 17,823
17825 postillate 6,939 aeilopst 8 17,822
17826 retracting 6,938 aceginrt 8 17,834
17827 agregation 6,938 aeginort 8 17,828
17828 naboberies 6,938 abeinors 8 17,826
17829 resorptive 6,938 eioprstv 8 17,833
17830 atrorubent 6,938 abenortu 8 17,829
17831 frutescent 6,938 cefnrstu 8 17,832
17832 aggeration 6,938 aeginort 8 17,827
17833 extendible 6,938 bdeilntx 8 17,831
17834 engarrison 6,938 aeginors 8 17,830
17835 screenland 6,937 acdelnrs 8 17,838
17836 kelotomies 6,937 eiklmost 8 17,837
17837 agrosteral 6,937 aeglorst 8 17,835
17838 centerward 6,937 acdenrtw 8 17,836
17839 leiotrichi 6,936 cehilort 8 17,842
17840 meristelic 6,936 ceilmrst 8 17,843