10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
18241 metaleptic 6,879 aceilmpt 8 18,237
18242 ringleader 6,879 adegilnr 8 18,242
18243 semionotus 6,879 eimnostu 8 18,243
18244 cacoxenite 6,879 aceinotx 8 18,245
18245 vitrioline 6,879 eilnortv 8 18,236
18246 miswritten 6,879 eimnrstw 8 18,238
18247 antidotism 6,878 adimnost 8 18,247
18248 euripidean 6,877 adeinpru 8 18,248
18249 incidental 6,877 acdeilnt 8 18,251
18250 ostraceous 6,877 aceorstu 8 18,249
18251 semaphores 6,877 aehmoprs 8 18,250
18252 alexiteric 6,876 aceilrtx 8 18,252
18253 aspersions 6,876 aeinoprs 8 18,253
18254 preenabled 6,876 abdelnpr 8 18,255
18255 precentral 6,876 acelnprt 8 18,254
18256 beseeching 6,875 bceghins 8 18,261
18257 transcends 6,875 acdenrst 8 18,258
18258 plebescite 6,875 bceilpst 8 18,256
18259 anthotaxis 6,875 ahinostx 8 18,260
18260 tetracolic 6,875 aceilort 8 18,257