10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
18621 thriftless 6,831 efhilrst 8 18,620
18622 undersleep 6,831 delnprsu 8 18,622
18623 overcredit 6,831 cdeiortv 8 18,624
18624 erichthoid 6,831 cdehiort 8 18,619
18625 depudorate 6,830 adeoprtu 8 18,625
18626 festooning 6,830 efginost 8 18,631
18627 hyphenated 6,830 adehnpty 8 18,629
18628 heptastich 6,830 acehipst 8 18,628
18629 disquieten 6,830 deinqstu 8 18,630
18630 waterscape 6,830 aceprstw 8 18,626
18631 aerophilia 6,830 aehilopr 8 18,627
18632 dolomitise 6,829 deilmost 8 18,632
18633 rheuminess 6,829 ehimnrsu 8 18,635
18634 spiritweed 6,829 deiprstw 8 18,636
18635 reundulate 6,829 adelnrtu 8 18,634
18636 overinsure 6,829 einorsuv 8 18,633
18637 extincteur 6,828 ceinrtux 8 18,638
18638 dioscorein 6,828 cdeinors 8 18,639
18639 dioscorine 6,828 cdeinors 8 18,640
18640 tinctorial 6,828 acilnort 8 18,641