10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
18761 unrejected 6,814 cdejnrtu 8 18,760
18762 epigastria 6,813 aegiprst 8 18,767
18763 inceptions 6,813 ceinopst 8 18,771
18764 protometal 6,813 aelmoprt 8 18,768
18765 cispontine 6,813 ceinopst 8 18,770
18766 marguerite 6,813 aegimrtu 8 18,773
18767 undertribe 6,813 bdeinrtu 8 18,763
18768 untotalled 6,813 adelnotu 8 18,764
18769 battalions 6,813 abilnost 8 18,765
18770 inspection 6,813 ceinopst 8 18,772
18771 reflectors 6,813 ceflorst 8 18,769
18772 cacothesis 6,813 acehiost 8 18,766
18773 unallotted 6,813 adelnotu 8 18,762
18774 overturned 6,812 denortuv 8 18,777
18775 stockinets 6,812 ceiknost 8 18,780
18776 doubletone 6,812 bdelnotu 8 18,775
18777 polonaises 6,812 aeilnops 8 18,779
18778 traditious 6,812 adiorstu 8 18,778
18779 neocytosis 6,812 ceinosty 8 18,776
18780 linearized 6,812 adeilnrz 8 18,774