10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
18841 hemiphrase 6,804 aehimprs 8 18,846
18842 vitreosity 6,804 eiorstvy 8 18,843
18843 untastable 6,804 abelnstu 8 18,842
18844 endodermal 6,804 adelmnor 8 18,845
18845 unstatable 6,804 abelnstu 8 18,841
18846 elasticity 6,804 aceilsty 8 18,844
18847 melolontha 6,804 aehlmnot 8 18,847
18848 saleswomen 6,803 aelmnosw 8 18,853
18849 aquatinted 6,803 adeinqtu 8 18,856
18850 freedwomen 6,803 defmnorw 8 18,849
18851 gelatinity 6,803 aegilnty 8 18,850
18852 forlornest 6,803 eflnorst 8 18,848
18853 scapulette 6,803 acelpstu 8 18,854
18854 antiquated 6,803 adeinqtu 8 18,855
18855 hearkening 6,803 aeghiknr 8 18,851
18856 bastinaded 6,803 abdeinst 8 18,857
18857 deflagrate 6,803 adefglrt 8 18,852
18858 gardenless 6,802 adeglnrs 8 18,860
18859 isostemony 6,802 eimnosty 8 18,862
18860 verificate 6,802 acefirtv 8 18,863