10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
19801 pathematic 6,683 acehimpt 8 19,804
19802 undictated 6,683 acdeintu 8 19,799
19803 mariticide 6,683 acdeimrt 8 19,802
19804 unfomented 6,683 defmnotu 8 19,800
19805 basiotribe 6,682 abeiorst 8 19,813
19806 homologate 6,682 aeghlmot 8 19,806
19807 forecaddie 6,682 acdefior 8 19,811
19808 bestiality 6,682 abeilsty 8 19,814
19809 unnotified 6,682 definotu 8 19,809
19810 enclosures 6,682 celnorsu 8 19,810
19811 truncation 6,682 acinortu 8 19,808
19812 throatband 6,682 abdhnort 8 19,807
19813 fremituses 6,682 efimrstu 8 19,812
19814 naphthenic 6,682 acehinpt 8 19,805
19815 skittering 6,681 egiknrst 8 19,818
19816 unsinuated 6,681 adeinstu 8 19,829
19817 estranging 6,681 aeginrst 8 19,826
19818 dynastides 6,681 adeinsty 8 19,824
19819 subpeltate 6,681 abelpstu 8 19,819
19820 extogenous 6,681 egnostux 8 19,827