12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
1 hernioplasty 7,731 aehilnoprsty 12 1
2 chiastoneury 7,710 acehinorstuy 12 2
3 glanditerous 7,669 adegilnorstu 12 3
4 disulphonate 7,638 adehilnopstu 12 4
5 stenographic 7,596 aceghinoprst 12 5
6 strongylidae 7,592 adegilnorsty 12 6
7 culteranismo 7,566 aceilmnorstu 12 7
8 triadelphous 7,545 adehiloprstu 12 8
9 daemonurgist 7,532 adegimnorstu 12 9
10 candleshrift 7,503 acdefhilnrst 12 10
11 hydatigenous 7,472 adeghinostuy 12 11
12 neuroblastic 7,454 abceilnorstu 12 12
13 headstrongly 7,453 adeghlnorsty 12 14
14 outspreading 7,453 adeginoprstu 12 13
15 dasyproctine 7,444 acdeinoprsty 12 15
16 subarytenoid 7,428 abdeinorstuy 12 16
17 unepistolary 7,427 aeilnoprstuy 12 17
18 countervails 7,416 aceilnorstuv 12 18
19 malnourished 7,409 adehilmnorsu 12 19
20 gastroplenic 7,402 acegilnoprst 12 20