12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
661 farthingless 7,631 aefghilnrst 11 661
662 metaphrasing 7,630 aeghimnprst 11 663
663 impersonable 7,630 abeilmnoprs 11 662
664 outtraveling 7,630 aegilnortuv 11 664
665 stupefaction 7,627 acefinopstu 11 665
666 privatdocent 7,626 acdeinoprtv 11 666
667 undervoltage 7,623 adeglnortuv 11 667
668 conservatism 7,619 aceimnorstv 11 669
669 farthingdeal 7,619 adefghilnrt 11 668
670 romanticizes 7,618 aceimnorstz 11 670
671 thunderblast 7,618 abdehlnrstu 11 671
672 steelworking 7,617 egiklnorstw 11 672
673 pythagoreans 7,617 aeghnoprsty 11 673
674 denunciatory 7,617 acdeinortuy 11 674
675 semibachelor 7,616 abcehilmors 11 676
676 rembrandtish 7,616 abdehimnrst 11 675
677 resublimated 7,615 abdeilmrstu 11 677
678 demographies 7,615 adeghimoprs 11 678
679 noncuspidate 7,614 acdeinopstu 11 679
680 acquirements 7,613 aceimnqrstu 11 680