14 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
941 superstoically 8,029 aceiloprstuy 12 941
942 vigesimoquarto 8,026 aegimoqrstuv 12 942
943 unrecognizable 8,023 abcegilnoruz 12 943
944 semichivalrous 8,023 acehilmorsuv 12 944
945 unphosphatized 8,021 adehinopstuz 12 945
946 archisynagogue 8,018 aceghinorsuy 12 947
947 underofficials 8,018 acdefilnorsu 12 946
948 lexicographian 8,016 aceghilnoprx 12 948
949 outhyperbolize 8,010 behiloprtuyz 12 949
950 jurisdictional 8,007 acdijlnorstu 12 950
951 uncompressible 8,005 bceilmnoprsu 12 951
952 sulphofication 8,004 acfhilnopstu 12 952
953 hybridizations 7,999 abdhinorstyz 12 954
954 prosyndicalist 7,999 acdilnoprsty 12 953
955 impressionably 7,998 abeilmnoprsy 12 955
956 laryngofissure 7,998 aefgilnorsuy 12 956
957 squamosphenoid 7,998 adehimnopqsu 12 957
958 chartophylaxes 7,997 acehloprstxy 12 958
959 dactylographer 7,997 acdeghloprty 12 959
960 constructively 7,996 ceilnorstuvy 12 960