15 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
6021 ambassadorships 8,665 abdhimoprs 10 6,020
6022 biblicoliterary 8,665 abceilorty 10 6,021
6023 unprayerfulness 8,663 aeflnprsuy 10 6,024
6024 promonopolistic 8,663 cilmnoprst 10 6,023
6025 pseudomorphosis 8,660 dehimoprsu 10 6,025
6026 unfrivolousness 8,660 efilnorsuv 10 6,026
6027 encyclopaedical 8,656 acdeilnopy 10 6,027
6028 encyclopediacal 8,656 acdeilnopy 10 6,028
6029 nonacoustically 8,656 acilnostuy 10 6,029
6030 proconscriptive 8,654 ceinoprstv 10 6,030
6031 nonnavigability 8,652 abgilnotvy 10 6,032
6032 nondivisibility 8,652 bdilnostvy 10 6,031
6033 supranaturalism 8,649 ailmnprstu 10 6,034
6034 mistranscribing 8,649 abcgimnrst 10 6,033
6035 craspedodromous 8,644 acdemoprsu 10 6,035
6036 uncombiningness 8,640 bcegimnosu 10 6,036
6037 propylitization 8,638 ailnoprtyz 10 6,037
6038 psychocatharsis 8,638 achioprsty 10 6,038
6039 cockneyfication 8,635 acefiknoty 10 6,039
6040 laparocolectomy 8,634 acelmoprty 10 6,041