16 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
801 nonextrinsically 9,764 aceilnorstxy 12 801
802 pseudodemocratic 9,760 acdeimoprstu 12 802
803 overexcitability 9,756 abceilortvxy 12 803
804 intermolecularly 9,749 aceilmnortuy 12 804
805 balanophoraceous 9,747 abcehlnoprsu 12 805
806 pseudoapologetic 9,745 acdegilopstu 12 806
807 underchamberlain 9,744 abcdehilmnru 12 807
808 cephalohumeralis 9,739 acehilmoprsu 12 808
809 presplenomegalic 9,737 acegilmnoprs 12 809
810 superevangelical 9,737 acegilnprsuv 12 810
811 inexhaustibility 9,736 abehilnstuxy 12 811
812 unapprehensively 9,733 aehilnprsuvy 12 812
813 metaphrastically 9,732 acehilmprsty 12 813
814 nonsupplementary 9,731 aelmnoprstuy 12 814
815 glaciolacustrine 9,720 acegilnorstu 12 816
816 haploperistomous 9,720 aehilmoprstu 12 817
817 cryptobranchiate 9,720 abcehinoprty 12 815
818 poecilocyttarous 9,720 aceiloprstuy 12 818
819 semicivilization 9,718 aceilmnostvz 12 819
820 benzotrifluoride 9,715 bdefilnortuz 12 820