17 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
661 overimaginatively 10,491 aegilmnortvy 12 661
662 nonillustratively 10,488 aeilnorstuvy 12 662
663 impracticableness 10,485 abceilmnprst 12 663
664 semitheologically 10,484 aceghilmosty 12 664
665 parietosplanchnic 10,482 acehilnoprst 12 665
666 uncountermandable 10,480 abcdelmnortu 12 666
667 unpracticableness 10,476 abceilnprstu 12 667
668 approximativeness 10,474 aeimnoprstvx 12 668
669 trigonometrically 10,473 acegilmnorty 12 669
670 laparonephrectomy 10,470 acehlmnoprty 12 670
671 pseudoreformatory 10,468 adefmoprstuy 12 671
672 unpantheistically 10,466 acehilnpstuy 12 672
673 overpictorialized 10,460 acdeiloprtvz 12 673
674 spondylolisthetic 10,455 cdehilnopsty 12 674
675 vernacularization 10,447 aceilnortuvz 12 675
676 unproduceableness 10,442 abcdelnoprsu 12 676
677 nonadvantageously 10,440 adeglnostuvy 12 677
678 hydropericarditis 10,439 acdehioprsty 12 678
679 lithophotogravure 10,439 aeghiloprtuv 12 679
680 visceroinhibitory 10,433 bcehinorstvy 12 680