17 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
781 mischaracterizing 10,061 aceghimnrstz 12 781
782 superthankfulness 10,049 aefhklnprstu 12 782
783 electrophysiology 10,045 ceghiloprsty 12 783
784 prophylactodontia 10,044 acdhilnoprty 12 784
785 uncontemptibility 10,043 bceilmnoptuy 12 785
786 overbumptiousness 10,041 beimnoprstuv 12 786
787 immunogenetically 10,037 acegilmnotuy 12 787
788 nonalphabetically 10,036 abcehilnopty 12 788
789 microminiaturized 10,035 acdeimnortuz 12 789
790 archiepiscopality 10,034 acehiloprsty 12 790
791 nonsacrilegiously 10,029 acegilnorsuy 12 791
792 schizogregarinida 10,022 acdeghinorsz 12 792
793 dimethylhydrazine 10,021 adehilmnrtyz 12 793
794 nostrummongership 10,016 eghimnoprstu 12 794
795 professionalizing 10,011 aefgilnoprsz 12 795
796 chondrodystrophia 9,996 acdhinoprsty 12 796
797 semipneumatically 9,993 aceilmnpstuy 12 797
798 illachrymableness 9,990 abcehilmnrsy 12 798
799 hyperacidaminuria 9,967 acdehimnpruy 12 799
800 anatomicosurgical 9,961 acgilmnorstu 12 800