19 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
461 unconsequentialness 12,747 aceilnoqstu 11 461
462 nondistributiveness 12,736 bdeinorstuv 11 462
463 unapprehensibleness 12,713 abehilnprsu 11 463
464 interresponsibility 12,706 beilnoprsty 11 464
465 noncontributiveness 12,679 bceinorstuv 11 465
466 parliamentarization 12,673 aeilmnoprtz 11 466
467 paleometeorological 12,656 acegilmoprt 11 467
468 electroballistician 12,619 abceilnorst 11 468
469 disadvantageousness 12,617 adeginostuv 11 469
470 unapprehendableness 12,598 abdehlnprsu 11 470
471 nonsacrilegiousness 12,573 acegilnorsu 11 471
472 glossoepiglottidean 12,569 adegilnopst 11 472
473 diethylstilboestrol 12,568 bdehilorsty 11 473
474 interconvertibility 12,560 bceilnortvy 11 474
475 osteochondrosarcoma 12,558 acdehmnorst 11 475
476 benzophenanthrazine 12,550 abehinoprtz 11 476
477 intersystematically 12,523 aceilmnrsty 11 477
478 circumstantialities 12,522 aceilmnrstu 11 478
479 undenominationalism 12,513 adeilmnostu 11 479
480 salpingoperitonitis 12,507 aegilnoprst 11 480