9 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
1 senhorita 6,940 aehinorst 9 1
2 hairstone 6,940 aehinorst 9 2
3 hortensia 6,940 aehinorst 9 3
4 hortesian 6,940 aehinorst 9 4
5 dorstenia 6,780 adeinorst 9 5
6 ordinates 6,780 adeinorst 9 6
7 relations 6,746 aeilnorst 9 12
8 orientals 6,746 aeilnorst 9 7
9 lairstone 6,746 aeilnorst 9 11
10 tensorial 6,746 aeilnorst 9 10
11 serotinal 6,746 aeilnorst 9 9
12 orleanist 6,746 aeilnorst 9 8
13 antheroid 6,744 adehinort 9 13
14 hailstone 6,736 aehilnost 9 14
15 lionheart 6,710 aehilnort 9 15
16 isotheral 6,643 aehilorst 9 16
17 aeroliths 6,643 aehilorst 9 17
18 horsetail 6,643 aehilorst 9 18
19 narcotise 6,619 aceinorst 9 23
20 atroscine 6,619 aceinorst 9 26