Letter Frequency

In Words and our Wordle Solver I make use of letter frequency tables to calculate the most likely word in certain word games.

There are various letter frequencies depending on if you just check a dictionary, specalist or real world text. For the purposes of cryptanalysis it matters - for word games not so much.

The original table scores each letter as percentage, from ~12% for an 'e' down to 0.07% for 'z'. To make things easier on the databse I multiplied the values by 100 so I wasn't dealing with floating point numbers. The frequenies I've used are in the tables at the end of the page.

Originally I wanted to know what words that score the highest letter frequency for each length, as that's the sort of thing that piques my interests from time to time. As a programmer I used that curiousity as an excuse to get busy creating a suite of scripts that continues to grow. If your interested a table of good start words is here and here are the words with the lowest frequency scores.

a 812
b 149
c 271
d 432
e 1202
f 230
g 203
h 592
i 731
j 10
k 69
l 398
m 261
n 695
o 768
p 182
q 11
r 602
s 628
t 910
u 288
v 111
w 209
x 17
y 211
z 7
e 1202
t 910
a 812
o 768
i 731
n 695
s 628
r 602
h 592
d 432
l 398
u 288
c 271
m 261
f 230
y 211
w 209
g 203
p 182
b 149
v 111
k 69
x 17
q 11
j 10
z 7