10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
25481 bathhouses 6,569 abehostu 8 20,697
25482 reinfusion 6,570 efinorsu 8 20,685
25483 unelectric 6,570 ceilnrtu 8 20,687
25484 versecraft 6,570 acefrstv 8 20,688
25485 increasing 6,570 aceginrs 8 20,686
25486 pitchiness 6,570 cehinpst 8 20,684
25487 emphyteuta 6,570 aehmptuy 8 20,683
25488 voltairian 6,570 ailnortv 8 20,689
25489 insolating 6,571 agilnost 8 20,681
25490 naturopath 6,571 ahnoprtu 8 20,682
25491 gillhooter 6,572 eghilort 8 20,677
25492 patellidan 6,572 adeilnpt 8 20,679
25493 presternum 6,572 emnprstu 8 20,675
25494 trappiness 6,572 aeinprst 8 20,678
25495 reconciled 6,572 cdeilnor 8 20,676
25496 preexilian 6,572 aeilnprx 8 20,674
25497 phenotypes 6,572 ehnopsty 8 20,673
25498 carangidae 6,572 acdeginr 8 20,680
25499 confronted 6,573 cdefnort 8 20,670
25500 concierges 6,573 ceginors 8 20,669