10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
25581 crustiness 6,583 ceinrstu 8 20,593
25582 misaverred 6,583 adeimrsv 8 20,591
25583 heuristics 6,583 cehirstu 8 20,587
25584 lobotomies 6,583 beilmost 8 20,588
25585 rusticness 6,583 ceinrstu 8 20,592
25586 adramelech 6,584 acdehlmr 8 20,579
25587 ethylidyne 6,584 dehilnty 8 20,577
25588 cassegrain 6,584 aceginrs 8 20,582
25589 weaselship 6,584 aehilpsw 8 20,585
25590 fondlesome 6,584 deflmnos 8 20,578
25591 annulments 6,584 aelmnstu 8 20,580
25592 seduceable 6,584 abcdelsu 8 20,581
25593 nostrility 6,584 ilnorsty 8 20,584
25594 diakinetic 6,584 acdeiknt 8 20,583
25595 plaintless 6,584 aeilnpst 8 20,576
25596 quartermen 6,585 aemnqrtu 8 20,575
25597 cheapening 6,585 aceghinp 8 20,573
25598 pavemental 6,585 aelmnptv 8 20,572
25599 mutational 6,585 ailmnotu 8 20,571
25600 laurdalite 6,585 adeilrtu 8 20,570