10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
25701 unmetalled 6,598 adelmntu 8 20,470
25702 wheatgrass 6,598 aeghrstw 8 20,469
25703 miscellane 6,598 aceilmns 8 20,471
25704 ballhooter 6,599 abehlort 8 20,466
25705 planetlike 6,599 aeiklnpt 8 20,461
25706 jauntiness 6,599 aeijnstu 8 20,464
25707 broadshare 6,599 abdehors 8 20,467
25708 dispersion 6,599 deinoprs 8 20,465
25709 shoeflower 6,599 efhlorsw 8 20,462
25710 phenomenic 6,599 cehimnop 8 20,460
25711 tarnishing 6,599 aghinrst 8 20,463
25712 unshielded 6,600 dehilnsu 8 20,451
25713 quaintness 6,600 aeinqstu 8 20,459
25714 undevotion 6,600 deinotuv 8 20,450
25715 eolotropic 6,600 ceiloprt 8 20,455
25716 christians 6,600 achinrst 8 20,454
25717 eosophobia 6,600 abehiops 8 20,456
25718 housesmith 6,600 ehimostu 8 20,458
25719 catechizer 6,600 acehirtz 8 20,453
25720 glossaries 6,600 aegilors 8 20,457