10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
26141 misgesture 6,655 egimrstu 8 20,029
26142 unindurate 6,655 adeinrtu 8 20,026
26143 roborative 6,655 abeiortv 8 20,032
26144 unruinated 6,655 adeinrtu 8 20,027
26145 persecutor 6,655 ceoprstu 8 20,035
26146 fantasizes 6,655 aefinstz 8 20,031
26147 expression 6,655 einoprsx 8 20,030
26148 samarskite 6,655 aeikmrst 8 20,033
26149 announcers 6,656 acenorsu 8 20,019
26150 barycenter 6,656 abcenrty 8 20,020
26151 barycentre 6,656 abcenrty 8 20,021
26152 adamancies 6,656 acdeimns 8 20,018
26153 palfrenier 6,656 aefilnpr 8 20,012
26154 actinosoma 6,656 acimnost 8 20,017
26155 uninfected 6,656 cdefintu 8 20,014
26156 demonomist 6,656 deimnost 8 20,015
26157 ropishness 6,656 ehinoprs 8 20,013
26158 bovinities 6,656 beinostv 8 20,022
26159 insulation 6,656 ailnostu 8 20,016
26160 adposition 6,657 adinopst 8 20,008