10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
26261 unaspersed 6,671 adenprsu 8 19,913
26262 scarlatina 6,671 acilnrst 8 19,908
26263 onwardness 6,671 adenorsw 8 19,912
26264 sesamoidal 6,672 adeilmos 8 19,902
26265 theopolity 6,672 ehilopty 8 19,904
26266 aluconinae 6,672 aceilnou 8 19,900
26267 societyish 6,672 cehiosty 8 19,903
26268 nonfebrile 6,672 befilnor 8 19,901
26269 manumitter 6,672 aeimnrtu 8 19,905
26270 coaudience 6,672 acdeinou 8 19,906
26271 demarcator 6,672 acdemort 8 19,907
26272 unadmitted 6,673 adeimntu 8 19,894
26273 atrichosis 6,673 achiorst 8 19,895
26274 refractive 6,673 acefirtv 8 19,899
26275 cornbottle 6,673 bcelnort 8 19,896
26276 croissants 6,673 acinorst 8 19,897
26277 literalism 6,673 aeilmrst 8 19,898
26278 covenantal 6,674 acelnotv 8 19,888
26279 deoxidator 6,674 adeiortx 8 19,889
26280 germinance 6,674 acegimnr 8 19,887