10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
26421 rhizoneure 6,689 ehinoruz 8 19,751
26422 olecranial 6,689 aceilnor 8 19,750
26423 volatilise 6,689 aeilostv 8 19,739
26424 abashments 6,689 abehmnst 8 19,743
26425 stipulates 6,689 aeilpstu 8 19,753
26426 cardiocele 6,689 acdeilor 8 19,740
26427 normalness 6,689 aelmnors 8 19,749
26428 aguilarite 6,689 aegilrtu 8 19,744
26429 aircoaches 6,689 acehiors 8 19,745
26430 alveolitis 6,689 aeilostv 8 19,746
26431 bituminate 6,689 abeimntu 8 19,747
26432 periorbita 6,689 abeioprt 8 19,754
26433 underscore 6,690 cdenorsu 8 19,737
26434 inertially 6,690 aeilnrty 8 19,736
26435 platymeter 6,690 aelmprty 8 19,734
26436 vegetality 6,690 aegiltvy 8 19,738
26437 cramponnee 6,690 acemnopr 8 19,732
26438 depastured 6,690 adeprstu 8 19,733
26439 rabbinates 6,690 abeinrst 8 19,735
26440 cutthroats 6,691 achorstu 8 19,731