10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
26781 spathulate 6,734 aehlpstu 8 19,386
26782 fastenings 6,734 aefginst 8 19,387
26783 aggelation 6,734 aegilnot 8 19,388
26784 tickleness 6,734 ceiklnst 8 19,389
26785 relinquent 6,734 eilnqrtu 8 19,391
26786 slovenlier 6,735 eilnorsv 8 19,377
26787 coinferred 6,735 cdefinor 8 19,378
26788 trollopean 6,735 aelnoprt 8 19,375
26789 reinforced 6,735 cdefinor 8 19,384
26790 peremption 6,735 eimnoprt 8 19,380
26791 radiophare 6,735 adehiopr 8 19,383
26792 romishness 6,735 ehimnors 8 19,376
26793 preemption 6,735 eimnoprt 8 19,382
26794 overstrict 6,735 ceiorstv 8 19,379
26795 hornblende 6,735 bdehlnor 8 19,385
26796 poormaster 6,735 aemoprst 8 19,381
26797 gaussmeter 6,736 aegmrstu 8 19,374
26798 undeceiver 6,736 cdeinruv 8 19,367
26799 undermines 6,736 deimnrsu 8 19,368
26800 preoceanic 6,736 aceinopr 8 19,370