10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
26901 friendless 6,748 defilnrs 8 19,278
26902 fetologist 6,748 efgilost 8 19,277
26903 alembicate 6,748 abceilmt 8 19,273
26904 tonguiness 6,748 eginostu 8 19,267
26905 skainsmate 6,748 aeikmnst 8 19,271
26906 occasioner 6,748 aceinors 8 19,276
26907 inradiuses 6,749 adeinrsu 8 19,256
26908 exhibitant 6,749 abehintx 8 19,261
26909 missourite 6,749 eimorstu 8 19,262
26910 triplicate 6,749 aceilprt 8 19,258
26911 chaetopoda 6,749 acdehopt 8 19,260
26912 nonrecluse 6,749 celnorsu 8 19,263
26913 winterlike 6,749 eiklnrtw 8 19,259
26914 tenability 6,749 abeilnty 8 19,257
26915 responsive 6,749 einoprsv 8 19,264
26916 sciatheric 6,750 acehirst 8 19,249
26917 erraticism 6,750 aceimrst 8 19,251
26918 gametocyte 6,750 acegmoty 8 19,252
26919 menophania 6,750 aehimnop 8 19,254
26920 monestrous 6,750 emnorstu 8 19,250