10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
27681 aerotropic 6,848 aceioprt 8 18,487
27682 uniparient 6,848 aeinprtu 8 18,491
27683 unilateral 6,848 aeilnrtu 8 18,490
27684 liberative 6,848 abeilrtv 8 18,486
27685 overhanded 6,848 adehnorv 8 18,489
27686 concealers 6,849 acelnors 8 18,474
27687 receptible 6,849 bceilprt 8 18,483
27688 assythment 6,849 aehmnsty 8 18,478
27689 unpermeant 6,849 aemnprtu 8 18,482
27690 beeftongue 6,849 befgnotu 8 18,479
27691 cameronian 6,849 aceimnor 8 18,480
27692 arenicolor 6,849 aceilnor 8 18,477
27693 necromania 6,849 aceimnor 8 18,481
27694 strepitous 6,849 eioprstu 8 18,475
27695 ingestible 6,849 begilnst 8 18,484
27696 localities 6,849 aceilost 8 18,485
27697 archicoele 6,849 acehilor 8 18,476
27698 trephocyte 6,850 cehoprty 8 18,472
27699 inhaustion 6,850 ahinostu 8 18,470
27700 faceharden 6,850 acdefhnr 8 18,466