10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
27941 arrojadite 6,881 adeijort 8 18,228
27942 earthboard 6,881 abdehort 8 18,219
27943 timberline 6,881 beilmnrt 8 18,232
27944 diadochite 6,881 acdehiot 8 18,222
27945 arsenicize 6,881 aceinrsz 8 18,229
27946 mercuriate 6,881 aceimrtu 8 18,226
27947 zoanthacea 6,881 acehnotz 8 18,233
27948 pliantness 6,881 aeilnpst 8 18,230
27949 tegumental 6,881 aeglmntu 8 18,227
27950 oysterhood 6,881 dehorsty 8 18,225
27951 devorative 6,881 adeiortv 8 18,221
27952 demipriest 6,881 deimprst 8 18,220
27953 antichrist 6,882 achinrst 8 18,216
27954 dedicature 6,882 acdeirtu 8 18,217
27955 gatherable 6,882 abeghlrt 8 18,218
27956 lichenised 6,882 cdehilns 8 18,214
27957 oxyaenidae 6,882 adeinoxy 8 18,215
27958 abrahamite 6,883 abehimrt 8 18,205
27959 munitioner 6,883 eimnortu 8 18,208
27960 antidotary 6,883 adinorty 8 18,206