10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
28361 perforated 6,942 adefoprt 8 17,810
28362 moonshiner 6,942 ehimnors 8 17,807
28363 pastorales 6,942 aeloprst 8 17,808
28364 patterning 6,942 aeginprt 8 17,809
28365 hylotheist 6,942 ehilosty 8 17,806
28366 multisense 6,943 eilmnstu 8 17,795
28367 untimeless 6,943 eilmnstu 8 17,803
28368 peachiness 6,943 acehinps 8 17,798
28369 lanterning 6,943 aegilnrt 8 17,799
28370 casseroled 6,943 acdelors 8 17,804
28371 aberuncate 6,943 abcenrtu 8 17,800
28372 adsorbates 6,943 abdeorst 8 17,801
28373 nobilities 6,943 beilnost 8 17,796
28374 triacontad 6,943 acdinort 8 17,802
28375 nonoutrage 6,943 aegnortu 8 17,797
28376 decentring 6,943 cdeginrt 8 17,805
28377 apostacies 6,944 aceiopst 8 17,788
28378 waistlines 6,944 aeilnstw 8 17,789
28379 aerobiotic 6,944 abceiort 8 17,785
28380 megalesian 6,944 aegilmns 8 17,790