10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
28761 latherwort 7,005 aehlortw 8 17,411
28762 militaries 7,006 aeilmrst 8 17,406
28763 militarise 7,006 aeilmrst 8 17,407
28764 ribroaster 7,006 abeiorst 8 17,409
28765 limitaries 7,006 aeilmrst 8 17,402
28766 dentifrice 7,006 cdefinrt 8 17,405
28767 versionist 7,006 einorstv 8 17,401
28768 chanceries 7,006 acehinrs 8 17,404
28769 potentilla 7,006 aeilnopt 8 17,403
28770 overinsist 7,006 einorstv 8 17,408
28771 therolatry 7,007 aehlorty 8 17,400
28772 brevetcies 7,008 bceirstv 8 17,393
28773 lithodidae 7,008 adehilot 8 17,399
28774 decahedron 7,008 acdehnor 8 17,392
28775 interrhyme 7,008 ehimnrty 8 17,397
28776 unobsolete 7,008 belnostu 8 17,395
28777 gemination 7,008 aegimnot 8 17,396
28778 partialise 7,008 aeilprst 8 17,394
28779 linearizes 7,008 aeilnrsz 8 17,398
28780 sphacelate 7,009 acehlpst 8 17,390