10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
28981 watershake 7,038 aehkrstw 8 17,192
28982 endangitis 7,039 adeginst 8 17,181
28983 empoisoner 7,039 eimnoprs 8 17,180
28984 showerhead 7,039 adehorsw 8 17,184
28985 nasturtion 7,039 ainorstu 8 17,183
28986 eructative 7,039 aceirtuv 8 17,182
28987 antrustion 7,039 ainorstu 8 17,186
28988 targetlike 7,039 aegiklrt 8 17,185
28989 respirator 7,039 aeioprst 8 17,189
28990 protection 7,039 ceinoprt 8 17,188
28991 destaining 7,039 adeginst 8 17,187
28992 insidiator 7,040 adinorst 8 17,178
28993 fetologies 7,040 efgilost 8 17,179
28994 regnancies 7,041 aceginrs 8 17,172
28995 tetrahydro 7,041 adehorty 8 17,175
28996 segmentize 7,041 egimnstz 8 17,168
28997 icteritous 7,041 ceiorstu 8 17,174
28998 crossleted 7,041 cdelorst 8 17,169
28999 mesocoelia 7,041 aceilmos 8 17,170
29000 mispresent 7,041 eimnprst 8 17,171