10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
29461 entoprocta 7,120 acenoprt 8 16,711
29462 soothsayer 7,121 aehorsty 8 16,709
29463 radiations 7,121 adinorst 8 16,707
29464 persianist 7,121 aeinprst 8 16,706
29465 aramayoite 7,121 aeimorty 8 16,708
29466 readvocate 7,122 acdeortv 8 16,705
29467 hephaestic 7,122 acehipst 8 16,702
29468 perorative 7,122 aeioprtv 8 16,704
29469 wentletrap 7,122 aelnprtw 8 16,703
29470 altarpiece 7,122 aceilprt 8 16,701
29471 enraptures 7,123 aenprstu 8 16,695
29472 acetonemic 7,123 aceimnot 8 16,698
29473 relevances 7,123 acelnrsv 8 16,697
29474 anthophore 7,123 aehnoprt 8 16,699
29475 moderniser 7,123 deimnors 8 16,694
29476 breathless 7,123 abehlrst 8 16,700
29477 foregather 7,123 aefghort 8 16,696
29478 colletidae 7,124 acdeilot 8 16,689
29479 antipleion 7,124 aeilnopt 8 16,691
29480 insinuated 7,124 adeinstu 8 16,693