10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
33201 pacifistic 5,497 acfipst 7 40,948
33202 barbarized 5,498 abdeirz 7 40,944
33203 missuppose 5,498 eimopsu 7 40,945
33204 amalgamize 5,499 aegilmz 7 40,942
33205 superpious 5,499 eioprsu 7 40,941
33206 bubonoceze 5,499 bcenouz 7 40,943
33207 propaganda 5,500 adgnopr 7 40,940
33208 colloblast 5,500 abclost 7 40,939
33209 coapprover 5,500 aceoprv 7 40,938
33210 storybooks 5,501 bkorsty 7 40,937
33211 catcalling 5,501 acgilnt 7 40,934
33212 unweddedly 5,501 delnuwy 7 40,935
33213 protobacco 5,501 abcoprt 7 40,936
33214 diabolical 5,502 abcdilo 7 40,933
33215 biaxiality 5,502 abiltxy 7 40,931
33216 grippelike 5,502 egiklpr 7 40,932
33217 loopholing 5,503 ghilnop 7 40,929
33218 similarily 5,503 ailmrsy 7 40,927
33219 timuquanan 5,503 aimnqtu 7 40,925
33220 unperjured 5,503 dejnpru 7 40,926