10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
35201 succession 6,110 ceinosu 7 38,947
35202 sunglasses 6,110 aeglnsu 7 38,948
35203 constuctor 6,111 cnorstu 7 38,943
35204 gastralgia 6,111 agilrst 7 38,944
35205 benighting 6,111 beghint 7 38,942
35206 liveryless 6,111 eilrsvy 7 38,940
35207 algologies 6,111 aegilos 7 38,941
35208 oscheoncus 6,111 cehnosu 7 38,939
35209 vexingness 6,112 eginsvx 7 38,936
35210 stintingly 6,112 gilnsty 7 38,937
35211 nonplusses 6,112 elnopsu 7 38,938
35212 dumbnesses 6,113 bdemnsu 7 38,934
35213 inactivity 6,113 acintvy 7 38,935
35214 feltyflier 6,114 efilrty 7 38,931
35215 superposed 6,114 deoprsu 7 38,933
35216 fantoccini 6,114 acfinot 7 38,930
35217 gibbetwise 6,114 begistw 7 38,932
35218 prospector 6,115 ceoprst 7 38,927
35219 protomalar 6,115 almoprt 7 38,928
35220 eurypterus 6,115 eprstuy 7 38,924