10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
37301 invectives 6,592 ceinstv 7 36,847
37302 shipkeeper 6,592 ehikprs 7 36,845
37303 scotchness 6,593 cehnost 7 36,842
37304 dedecorous 6,593 cdeorsu 7 36,844
37305 parametral 6,593 aelmprt 7 36,841
37306 danization 6,593 adinotz 7 36,843
37307 nightshirt 6,594 ghinrst 7 36,840
37308 semigirder 6,594 degimrs 7 36,839
37309 preceptive 6,595 ceiprtv 7 36,837
37310 fafaronade 6,595 adefnor 7 36,838
37311 phototonic 6,595 chinopt 7 36,836
37312 keelhauled 6,595 adehklu 7 36,834
37313 perceptive 6,595 ceiprtv 7 36,835
37314 bissextile 6,596 beilstx 7 36,827
37315 ablaqueate 6,596 abelqtu 7 36,826
37316 disematism 6,596 adeimst 7 36,833
37317 undecylene 6,596 cdelnuy 7 36,829
37318 unensouled 6,596 delnosu 7 36,830
37319 travelable 6,596 abelrtv 7 36,828
37320 quiniretin 6,596 einqrtu 7 36,831