10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
40841 heartshake 7,421 aehkrst 7 33,309
40842 tortricine 7,422 ceinort 7 33,305
40843 notionless 7,423 eilnost 7 33,304
40844 recharters 7,423 acehrst 7 33,303
40845 encrotchet 7,423 cehnort 7 33,300
40846 disordeine 7,423 deinors 7 33,302
40847 charterers 7,423 acehrst 7 33,301
40848 tarbuttite 7,424 abeirtu 7 33,299
40849 harpooneer 7,425 aehnopr 7 33,297
40850 metalepses 7,425 aelmpst 7 33,296
40851 acertannin 7,425 aceinrt 7 33,298
40852 interpoint 7,426 einoprt 7 33,294
40853 engouement 7,426 egmnotu 7 33,293
40854 monotonies 7,426 eimnost 7 33,295
40855 orogenesis 7,427 eginors 7 33,290
40856 arthredema 7,427 adehmrt 7 33,287
40857 foredevote 7,427 defortv 7 33,289
40858 arthrotome 7,427 aehmort 7 33,288
40859 synthesise 7,427 ehinsty 7 33,292
40860 tetracerus 7,427 acerstu 7 33,291