11 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
36841 consciences 7,362 ceinos 6 37,044
36842 corroboreed 7,366 bcdeor 6 37,043
36843 swinishness 7,367 ehinsw 6 37,042
36844 uninventive 7,371 eintuv 6 37,041
36845 hunnishness 7,374 ehinsu 6 37,040
36846 intuitivist 7,376 instuv 6 37,039
36847 flagellatae 7,377 aefglt 6 37,038
36848 commonsense 7,379 cemnos 6 37,037
36849 nonillionth 7,381 hilnot 6 37,036
36850 surrebutter 7,383 berstu 6 37,035
36851 stalactitic 7,384 acilst 6 37,034
36852 preparateur 7,396 aeprtu 6 37,033
36853 minahassian 7,397 ahimns 6 37,032
36854 postosseous 7,398 eopstu 6 37,030
36855 roritorious 7,398 iorstu 6 37,031
36856 antivitamin 7,399 aimntv 6 37,029
36857 acatalectic 7,400 aceilt 6 37,028
36858 chastacosta 7,414 achost 6 37,027
36859 alleviative 7,418 aeiltv 6 37,026
36860 barbeyaceae 7,424 abcery 6 37,025