11 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
681 grandiosely 6,682 adegilnorsy 11 222
682 lythraceous 6,682 acehlorstuy 11 223
683 hypersomnia 6,684 aehimnoprsy 11 221
684 aftercoming 6,685 acefgimnort 11 219
685 depasturing 6,685 adeginprstu 11 220
686 inscrutable 6,686 abceilnrstu 11 218
687 hypotenusal 6,686 aehlnopstuy 11 217
688 bimucronate 6,689 abceimnortu 11 216
689 telodynamic 6,691 acdeilmnoty 11 215
690 sublevation 6,692 abeilnostuv 11 214
691 superdainty 6,693 adeinprstuy 11 213
692 unabolished 6,695 abdehilnosu 11 212
693 neuroplasty 6,696 aelnoprstuy 11 211
694 pulveration 6,699 aeilnoprtuv 11 210
695 dragonflies 6,701 adefgilnors 11 208
696 normatively 6,701 aeilmnortvy 11 209
697 foremanship 6,703 aefhimnoprs 11 207
698 unlethargic 6,704 aceghilnrtu 11 206
699 pyrosmalite 6,705 aeilmoprsty 11 205
700 postgracile 6,707 acegiloprst 11 204