12 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
1 unforgivably 5,198 abfgilnoruvy 12 243
2 juxtapyloric 5,200 acijloprtuxy 12 242
3 unimprovably 5,208 abilmnopruvy 12 241
4 subzygomatic 5,239 abcgimostuyz 12 240
5 schomburgkia 5,374 abcghikmorsu 12 239
6 blackfigured 5,387 abcdefgiklru 12 238
7 musicography 5,549 acghimoprsuy 12 237
8 backswording 5,569 abcdgiknorsw 12 236
9 unformidably 5,577 abdfilmnoruy 12 235
10 pyroglutamic 5,637 acgilmoprtuy 12 234
11 incomputably 5,676 abcilmnoptuy 12 233
12 uncompatibly 5,676 abcilmnoptuy 12 232
13 unsymbolized 5,770 bdeilmnosuyz 12 231
14 cogitabundly 5,868 abcdgilnotuy 12 230
15 unimprovedly 5,881 deilmnopruvy 12 229
16 combustively 5,928 bceilmostuvy 12 228
17 uncomplexity 5,934 ceilmnoptuxy 12 227
18 unpredicably 5,973 abcdeilnpruy 12 226
19 unprofitably 5,976 abfilnoprtuy 12 225
20 supercombing 5,980 bcegimnoprsu 12 224