14 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
201 suborganically 6,966 abcgilnorsuy 12 1,284
202 discouragingly 6,973 acdgilnorsuy 12 1,283
203 desulphurizing 6,979 deghilnprsuz 12 1,282
204 cryptobranchus 6,981 abchnoprstuy 12 1,281
205 overluxuriancy 6,996 aceilnoruvxy 12 1,280
206 unwhimperingly 7,000 eghilmnpruwy 12 1,279
207 copolymerizing 7,030 cegilmnopryz 12 1,278
208 subscriptively 7,042 bceilprstuvy 12 1,277
209 myrmecophagous 7,049 aceghmoprsuy 12 1,275
210 semiglobularly 7,049 abegilmorsuy 12 1,276
211 pharyngoplegic 7,052 aceghilnopry 12 1,274
212 unadjunctively 7,054 acdeijlntuvy 12 1,273
213 hypodermically 7,071 acdehilmopry 12 1,272
214 pneumobacillus 7,071 abceilmnopsu 12 1,271
215 overpublicized 7,074 bcdeilopruvz 12 1,270
216 subspherically 7,092 abcehilprsuy 12 1,268
217 superlogically 7,092 acegiloprsuy 12 1,269
218 unsubjectively 7,094 bceijlnstuvy 12 1,267
219 hygrophthalmic 7,125 acghilmoprty 12 1,266
220 dactyliography 7,135 acdghiloprty 12 1,265