16 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
41 indoxylsulphuric 7,232 cdhilnoprsuxy 13 343
42 unsympathizingly 7,555 aghilmnpstuyz 13 342
43 subconjunctively 7,626 bceijlnostuvy 13 341
44 vasculolymphatic 7,644 achilmopstuvy 13 340
45 flexographically 7,827 acefghiloprxy 13 339
46 unbiographically 7,843 abcghilnopruy 13 338
47 caprimulgiformes 8,170 acefgilmoprsu 13 337
48 discombobulating 8,194 abcdgilmnostu 13 336
49 calyptrimorphous 8,206 achilmoprstuy 13 335
50 chemoprophylaxis 8,217 acehilmoprsxy 13 334
51 pluviometrically 8,274 aceilmoprtuvy 13 333
52 pseudofaithfully 8,300 adefhilopstuy 13 332
53 chylopericardium 8,354 acdehilmopruy 13 331
54 unphlegmatically 8,364 aceghilmnptuy 13 330
55 ungeographically 8,368 aceghilnopruy 13 329
56 unsophomorically 8,373 achilmnoprsuy 13 328
57 diplochlamydeous 8,374 acdehilmopsuy 13 327
58 noncircumspectly 8,384 ceilmnoprstuy 13 326
59 hyperoxymuriatic 8,391 acehimoprtuxy 13 325
60 subdiaphragmatic 8,416 abcdghimprstu 13 324