16 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
801 supernaturalized 9,791 adeilnprstuz 12 786
802 blockheadishness 9,797 abcdehiklnos 12 785
803 multifariousness 9,800 aefilmnorstu 12 783
804 reconstructively 9,800 ceilnorstuvy 12 784
805 hyperoxygenation 9,801 aeghinoprtxy 12 781
806 hyperritualistic 9,801 acehilprstuy 12 782
807 isokeraunophonic 9,802 acehiknoprsu 12 780
808 precarcinomatous 9,803 aceimnoprstu 12 779
809 hyperendocrinism 9,805 cdehimnoprsy 12 778
810 unexperimentally 9,806 aeilmnprtuxy 12 777
811 pharyngopalatine 9,807 aeghilnoprty 12 776
812 oxyanthraquinone 9,809 aehinoqrtuxy 12 775
813 nonresolvability 9,809 abeilnorstvy 12 774
814 squamosoparietal 9,813 aeilmopqrstu 12 773
815 parietosquamosal 9,813 aeilmopqrstu 12 772
816 dehumidification 9,817 acdefhimnotu 12 770
817 rhombencephalons 9,817 abcehlmnoprs 12 771
818 overmercifulness 9,819 cefilmnorsuv 12 768
819 transmigratively 9,819 aegilmnrstvy 12 769
820 alectoromorphous 9,820 acehlmoprstu 12 766